Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tough it out Tuesday: BE STILL 9/10/13

As athletes we tend to prize achievement, getting ahead and accomplishing the next goal. The thrill of victory and the sense of accomplishment are powerful experiences that for many are unmatched by anything else. I find though, that, over time, in the perpetual quest for the next success there can be an emptiness. A place that only stillness can fill. This space for me is a sense of coming home. A sense of being one with oneself and one's purpose here. A sense of quiet calm that exudes love when it is tapped into. It takes just as much courage, patiences, and tenacity to go into this space as it does to train for and complete any ironman. The training is different but it is no less difficult. In this case, it is not a matter of one or the other. Both can be accomplished simultaneously. One must have the willingness and courage though to go within and sit thorough the silence to truly begin to tap into and fill one's emptiness.

If you are ready, set a timer for 5 to 10 min, sit quietly and breathe.. in the nose and out the nose. Allowing your breathing to become your only focus of attention. As your mind wanders, notice without  judgement and gently bring your focus back to your breathing. Notice what you are feeling in your body. Allowing the sensations to just arise and unfold. Continue to return to your breathing and release your thoughts. This is a the practice of coming home and taming the mind. Be patient with yourself, as with anything, time, consistency and focused attention here is key.

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