Monday, November 26, 2012

Little miracles..

Well.. I started writing this post as I walked out of my office and noticed the sense of gratitude that I felt for all that is in my life right now and then blogger lost my post. =] lol oh my..
So I have taken a deep breath and have begun again. (Note to self.. Take the picture before you write.)
As I sit here and take in all that surrounds me, the warmth of the sun, the fresh smell in the air, the brightness of the blue sky above me I can't help but be grateful for this life.
There are many things that aren't going as I would like them to in my life right now yet in moments like these I am filled w a sense of wonder, calm and appreciation for what is.
I encourage you all to take a moment to pause amongst your 'business' and take note of the little miracles around you.
Life does not always give us what we want and at times what it hands us may be quite devastating. Even in those moments though there is beauty in being able to accept what is and the feelings that go along w it. There is beauty in being able to fully embrace our sadness and our fears as much as there is beauty in being able to fully embrace our successes and triumphs. I encourage you to see the little miracles that exist in the experience of emotion itself. Imagine that.. How is it that our bodies are capable of such subtle and miraculous things?
Inside or out there are miracles all around us. In this moment I am choosing to embrace this life as it is unfolding before me. I am blessed.
As are you.
Peace my friends.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Day 1 in learning a new skill...

So today I embarked on a new journey. After 37 years on this planet, having a passion for music and being around musical instruments my whole life but never once taking a lesson of any kind, a dear friend of mine was sweet enough to give me my first ever guitar lesson. There's nothing like feeling completely and totally novice at something! Oh my... how can something that looks so easy be so hard?!? Well, I am determined. This if for me.
Since I was a child I have always wanted to play an instrument but I never took the time, had the lessons or who knows.. it never happened. Well... today marks the first day of changing that part of my story. Lets see how it unfolds. =) Man.. Should have taken a picture hmm.. next time =)

Post race blues...

So Ironman is over... another year of training has come to an end. So what now?

IM is an event, it's a race it's a day to exhibit to our friends and loved ones all we are capable of and all that we had been working on during those long runs and rides that they all thought we were so crazy for going on in the first place. For me, it is the journey up to an IM that is the most significant. It builds relationships, gives direction and acts as an organizing principle for all other things in day to day life.
In this quite time of the aftermath, this time of slowing down, recovering and finding center I encourage you all to reflect on how IM worked for you in your lives.

Here's what I notice for me.. In this time post IM, as the winter (the little that we have of it here in AZ =) ) is coming upon us I am finding myself reflecting on what really matters to me. What do I value in my life? What role does training have in the greater picture of who I am as a person? What role do I want it to play next year? I am an athlete yes, but I am also a mother, an EMDR therapist, a daughter, a friend, an Octane rep and most importantly a spiritual being. All these roles make up who I am and when I sit quietly with myself and center a find a certain sense of calm, peace and acceptance for all that I have and all I have become in my life time and more specifically over the course of this past year.
I notice my thoughts as they pass in my mind bring me ideas of what I'd like to accomplish over the course of the next year. What I'd like to create in my life. I notice my thoughts reflect on what has worked and what has not worked for me this past year as well. As I wake up to the present moment and notice what is happening in my body and welcome and observe the thoughts that pass through my mind I find clarity on what matters to me in this life.

As you sit quietly with yourself and recenter, I trust you will find things that matter to you. The things that have worked for your over the course of this IM training and year and maybe even somethings that haven't worked so well.  As you awaken to these insights, welcome them. They will serve to help you as you set your plan for the year to come. It doesn't have to be an IM. It can be anything.

For me, I notice the more I allow and welcome what is happening within me to unfold, the feelings, the thoughts and the sensations the more readily the answers come about where to go next. I have felt feelings of sadness, loss, loneliness, gratitude, appreciation and joy all at the same time and at different times in this past week. They come like waves on the ocean. Never staying for too long but visiting nonetheless. Welcome them. They are part of your humanness.

As a final note... remember that more than likely you didn't do an IM because you hate physical activity =). Even if your body is still sore and you are still seeking clarity and direction on where to go next, it's ok to move. It's ok to get on your bike and go for a ride... just for the love of riding. It doesn't matter how long you go, where your heart rate happens to be or how many watts your putting out... just feel the wind in your face, let your legs turn over, allow your blood to flow and see if you can once again reconnect with why you thought swimming 2.4 miles, riding 112 and running a marathon all i the same day was a good idea to begin with. =)

Peace my friends..

I trust you will find what you need... just listen quietly... the answers are already there...


Words of Gratitude IMAZ2012

Man.. there's so many of you I need to thank.. here's to all my favorite stores, peeps, and service providers that carried me through this race as well: Sole Sports Running Zone and Karen Pitre Seymour and Lance Muzslay for having the most knowledgeable staff, Landis Cyclery andRyan Padgitt for being the best mechanic in town, Destination Kona and Brooke Schohl for being an inspiration, Tribe Mul
tisport and Glenn Allen for having the most through stock of all your tri race apparel and equipment, Trisports Tempe for having a killer friendly and inviting staff, Inner Vision Yoga, Jeff Martens and Josh Rothman for providing a space for me to recenter and find balance of body, mind and spirit, Cori Frayer for the best massages in town, Crystal Bartos stretch therapy for keeping me limber and ready to run, Dr. Brendan McCarthyfor helping me to learn that there really isn't anything wrong with me, Coach Dean Hebert for his dear friendship and great running tips, Mr. Steve Elwell for giving me the space to do it on my own, Hoss Rogers... well for being YOU!!, Lori Haas, Amy Leiferman and Kathleen Todd for believing in me and my practice, and being 3 of the best colleagues I've ever worked with, Lanny Lang, Paul Bucich, Tom Wiggins and Paul Lavin for being my training partners in crime =), Adrienne Aspezita for being my inspiration 'cause lord knows you wanted it more than I did this year!, Tim Bolen and Brian McHenry for all those track workouts that kept me honest, Arland Maccasieb and the FilAM Triclub for making me an honorary Filapino!, Red Rock Co and Crew: Andy Bellino, Casey Brown, Stephanie Webber, John Sellinger, Kimo Seymour, Justin Kern, Sean McManus, Ted Villa, Bryce Werre, Sadat Khan, Hessam Salim, Andy Felton, Tricia Grossman, and Beth Murphy for making me part of the family and being the best race crew EVER, and Lifetime Fitness and Lifetime Fitness Cycle Club for providing the go to spot from which all these relationship I now have emerged. You are all amazing thank you so much for being a part of my life..

Thoughts and reflections on IMAZ2012

Another IM in the books! Wow what an experience. You know.. this year I set 99% of training myself, took care of most of my body strength and restoration needs with yoga and fueled exclusively with my nutrition (perform and clif shots mostly) and Athlete Octane. And today, after all is said and done, despite a little dehydration and some stiffness in my shoulder and feet I feel pretty damn good! M
uscles aren't really sore my body moves and as long as my feet are up to the challenge I will be out at the Turkey Day 5k =) You know, part of this training experience for me was about tackling the challenge of IM on my own. I feel that I did that in many ways but while I was out there yesterday I realized something truly priceless. Doing an IM alone is not only impossible it is a lonely journey. I did set my own training and go minimalistic on body care but that is about all I did on my own. While I was out there racing yesterday I realized how many people I know and how many friends I have in this community of ours. You will never know how much your friendship means to me. I didn't find my family despite a smile from my mom after the swim until the 3rd lap on the run. All the hugs from all of you on the run course kept me going even more so than my fuel yesterday. Each and every one of you... thank you for your time, friendship and commitment to the sport of triathlon. And even more, I have to give a great shout out to all those spectators and volunteers that I don't know. You are amazing. being out there all day in the same spot.. man.. they have endurance too =)