I have been contemplating for some time now the contrast between being in the here and now and looking ahead to the next moment. Over the past few years I have worked diligently on practicing presence, being in the moment, accepting what is as it is, and allowing things to unfold before me. This practice has created considerable peace for me in many respects. Though, as of late, the word FORWARD keeps resonating in my mind.
At a race earlier this year, I caught myself being consumed by the present moment. In some respects I was pleased to have been so present, as at times in the past I have finished races and been like, “I don’t know what happened!”… almost like a moment of detachment or dissociation had occurred. This time though was different, I was there, fully there as I felt my legs begin to slow down despite my head yelling at them to, “Go! Go! Go!” The next thing I knew, I was off the back. The pack had crested the hill and I was now chasing. At the time I felt I had given it all I had, but in retrospect I wonder, “Did I really?” Not to be self critical, but in later examination of the course, I realized I was but a stones throw from the crest of the hill when this, what I like to call, “molasses moment” occurred. What would have happened if I had looked up?
This thought still crosses my mind today as I catch myself on my bike and in other situations in my life with my head down or consumed with the moment at hand. What would happen if I look up? I ask myself this often and when I do, I generally feel a physical shift in my body, a shifting of energy and a shifting of perspective. By lifting my head up I am giving myself the subtle reminder to take the next step FORWARD and move into the next moment.
Often times this little shift in perspective can make a volume of difference. By picking our heads up, refocusing on our goal or target and taking the next step, we remind our bodies on a neurological level that there is more than the narrow focus of the moment at hand.
For now, personally, I have made it my practice to keep my eyes up and remember the word FORWARD both on and off the bike and, thus far, I am liking the results. So when my mind wanders to the things in life that I don’t like, the things that I would like to be different, the things I would like to change, I do my best to remember the word FORWARD, pick my head up and ask myself, “If I don’t want this, what do I want? And what is one step I can take right now that will move me in that direction?”... then.. I DO IT!
As silly as it may seem, as one moment ends a new moment begins. This little truth has proved a priceless reminder to me and no doubt it may for you as well.
FORWARD my friends..
Until next time..
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