Monday, September 2, 2013

Mindfulness Monday: Body Awareness 9/2/13

It's Labor Day! Hope you are all getting a break for the typical work week to enjoy all the things that matter to you most.

Today's Mindfulness Monday tip has to do with brining our awareness to our body sensations. Last week we brought our attention to our thoughts and today I am encouraging you to bring your focus of attention to your bodies. This type of attention, much like with our thoughts, is one of an observer's mind. We notice with a sense of detached awareness, without judgement or criticism or even an attempt to change. We simply notice.

Take a few minutes today to sit quietly. You can be really structured with it and set a timer for as little as a minute or up to 20 minutes for this exercise. If you choose not to be so structured that works too. Just simply center, close your eyes, attend to your breathing and bring your attention to the rising and falling of your chest. Notice what this physically feels like. Notice your heart beat and the texture of your breathing. Is it strained or labored? Is it calm and fluid? Just simply notice, again without judgement or desire to change. From Your breathing bring your focus to other areas of your body. Your hands... notice your hands. Are they tense or relaxed? Hot or cold? Just notice. Then move your attention to your shoulders, neck and jaw. What do you notice here? All the while, continue your breathing, in your nose and out your nose, keeping the in-breath and out-breath equal in length and once again, noticing the rising and falling of your chest. Continue this process through other parts of the body as well. Back, abdomen, hips, legs feet, face.

In this process of noticing and allowing, invite yourself to release what ever you are ready to let go of. Continue to notice your breathing, in the nose and out the nose. Letting go of old energy with the out-breath and taking in new energy with the in-breath.

At times the body will not want to let go of noticed tensions. This is ok. Tension is not always bad. Remember that the process is one of noticing and allowing not one of changing. As we notice in this way, we allow our bodies to naturally take care of themselves. When you think about a butterfly and it's transformational process remember, it is not one that is manipulated or control but one of natural unfolding. Trust. Just trust in the process.


Happy Labor Day my friends.

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