Monday, November 26, 2012

Little miracles..

Well.. I started writing this post as I walked out of my office and noticed the sense of gratitude that I felt for all that is in my life right now and then blogger lost my post. =] lol oh my..
So I have taken a deep breath and have begun again. (Note to self.. Take the picture before you write.)
As I sit here and take in all that surrounds me, the warmth of the sun, the fresh smell in the air, the brightness of the blue sky above me I can't help but be grateful for this life.
There are many things that aren't going as I would like them to in my life right now yet in moments like these I am filled w a sense of wonder, calm and appreciation for what is.
I encourage you all to take a moment to pause amongst your 'business' and take note of the little miracles around you.
Life does not always give us what we want and at times what it hands us may be quite devastating. Even in those moments though there is beauty in being able to accept what is and the feelings that go along w it. There is beauty in being able to fully embrace our sadness and our fears as much as there is beauty in being able to fully embrace our successes and triumphs. I encourage you to see the little miracles that exist in the experience of emotion itself. Imagine that.. How is it that our bodies are capable of such subtle and miraculous things?
Inside or out there are miracles all around us. In this moment I am choosing to embrace this life as it is unfolding before me. I am blessed.
As are you.
Peace my friends.

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