Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Understanding and Toughness... There is a Connection

You know, I've been thinking about this for some time now. We as athletes tend do be naturally, tough, tenacious, hard headed, determined, focused, driven.. you know the bill.. and beyond that, as athletes, we admire these qualities in ourselves and others. After all, they rock, if I do say so myself.

Though when it comes to relationships, intimacy, and connection, these matters take on a certain quality that can, on the surface, seem to come into stark contrast with our all too glamourous "toughness". The art of slowing down, the art of attending to, the art of having patience with, actually seeing and understanding another, all can certainly strike a chord of anxiety in someone who is drive to go and achieve. But personally, I think these qualities serve only to compliment our tenacity and toughness.

Quite frankly speaking, when we train, isn't rest and recovery just as important as our training itself? Don't we need to give our bodies the time it needs to repair and heal, and adapt to the stress that we have put it through? As an athlete myself I know all too well how difficult this can be at times, but I also know, that without it, our performance will suffer, we will be more prone to injury and ultimately put our athleticism at risk. And I know not a one of you wants that. =]

So, when we take time to recover, and truly recover, and we practice slowing down, tending to our bodies and listening to what we need, we are in essence, beginning to hone the skills that our relationships need as well. Relationships take tenderness and understanding. They take a willingness to step outside of our own perspective and see the other person's point of view. They take an honest assessment of ourselves and what we truly have to give to see the relationship succeed. These things are hard to do when we are going 100 miles an hour in "achievement" mode. But they are possible when we slow down turn inward and honestly evaluate our own emotional experiences, and they are also possible when we slow down, pause, look deeply into the eyes of the person we are sharing our life with and do our best to honestly see, hear and understand them and what they need on an emotional level.

After all, in the end, we can't take the medals, awards or money for that matter, with us. We can't take our loved ones with us either, but to be able to rest knowing that we have done our best to do good by the one's we have share our lives with? Is't that what it's all about?

Peace my friends,


the pic on this page captures my point here exactly.. enjoy.. http://www.anthonymillerphotography.com/2011/02/understanding/

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Facts and Stories

Facts and stories... Sometimes it's hard to discern the difference between the two in our own minds as our emotions often make us feel like our stories are in fact, facts. 

Over the years though I have taught myself to look at facts as the concrete, tangible, objects and events in the out side world. The facts are in essence, what happened without judgement. 

Your opinion of the object or event would then be the story. Wether you liked it or not.. Whether you thought it was easy or hard.. Make sense?

Being able to tell the difference between facts and stories can be a helpful tool to utilize when our emotions try to highjack our minds. 

When you notice that emotional distress begins to ride, say you are feeling anxious or distressed, ask yourself:

1) what am I feeling?

2) what is happening in the outside world that may be contributing to this distress?

3) what are the facts about this situation? What do I actually know concretely to be measurable and true?

4) is there any action I can take or would like to take to address this issue?

5) then make a plan and do it! =]

All my best my friends.. Can't tell you how much I have personally grown from this practice over the years. It takes time and a willingness to live mindfully but it can surely help to put you back in the drivers seat should you feel your emotions have been getting the best of you, especially when it comes to your relationships.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

aRticulate it Thursday: The Result Comes from How You Ask...

Once you have been able to clearly form your message, the next vital skill in interpersonal communication is to learn the difference between making demands and requests.

Don't get me wrong, there is a time and a place for giving a firm directive. Yet, in our day to day interactions with our coworkers and loved ones, if we can learn the art of making requests we can cut down on defensiveness and unnecessary tangential discourse. After all, the objective is to create connection and or  get the task done, no?

So the next time you find yourself telling a friend or a loved one to DO something. Stop. Pause.. Breathe. Then ask yourself what you are really asking. Make it specific, clear, and measurable. Now, if like I said last week, this part is hard, then share that and work through the request with your loved one. Otherwise, state the request, in a tone that communicates respect for the other person and wait for their response.

Now again, by making a request, yes, you give the other person the option of saying, "no". If you are in fact met with a "no" there are ways to work with that. Communicating the importance to you is one such strategy. I will go into that more next week.

For now, watch your interactions. How often do you make demands of others in your life? How often do you simply ask? How do others respond when you demand vs request? It may feel weird at first. You may even end up with more disappointment iin the beginning. This is not uncommon. It is simply an indicator of the type of communication that the people around you have become used to. With practice and diligence, it will get easier and I don't doubt, in the long run, you will begin to see your relationships strengthening as a result.

All my best,


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

For WE Power Wednesday... some thoughts and reflections on the marriage and agreements...

I was in session recently discussing relationship dynamics with a client. We were addressing the importance of renewed agreements in relationships when my client shared that her parents, now married for close to 50 years, used to say to her on their anniversary every year that they were going away to "review their contract".  My client shared that as a 10 year old this was a bit confusing and unsettling but that now as an adult, it made perfect sense.

I think we all could benefit from this practice. No matter the type of relationship we are engaged in, setting clear agreements from the outset and then revisiting them on an annual basis allows for the fluidity of life and makes room for our ever evolving selves. People do grow and change over time and the hope in marriage is that couples can not only growth together but support the divergent growth that may happen for their spouses.

On a fundamental level, the core agreement in a marriage is to work through the hard times and support each other in the good ones... quite simply, stand beside one another for life. Unfortunately, in this day and age in our country, this agreement gets broken by over 50% of those that choose to make it, myself included. A sad statistic, but a true one none the less. Maybe if we were more conscious and deliberate about what we are committing to before taking those vows and then further, diligent about reviewing our agreements on a regular interval we could begin to have a positive impact on this statistic. I know for myself, this is my hope should I ever decide to take the plunge again.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tough it out Tuesday: BE STILL 9/10/13

As athletes we tend to prize achievement, getting ahead and accomplishing the next goal. The thrill of victory and the sense of accomplishment are powerful experiences that for many are unmatched by anything else. I find though, that, over time, in the perpetual quest for the next success there can be an emptiness. A place that only stillness can fill. This space for me is a sense of coming home. A sense of being one with oneself and one's purpose here. A sense of quiet calm that exudes love when it is tapped into. It takes just as much courage, patiences, and tenacity to go into this space as it does to train for and complete any ironman. The training is different but it is no less difficult. In this case, it is not a matter of one or the other. Both can be accomplished simultaneously. One must have the willingness and courage though to go within and sit thorough the silence to truly begin to tap into and fill one's emptiness.

If you are ready, set a timer for 5 to 10 min, sit quietly and breathe.. in the nose and out the nose. Allowing your breathing to become your only focus of attention. As your mind wanders, notice without  judgement and gently bring your focus back to your breathing. Notice what you are feeling in your body. Allowing the sensations to just arise and unfold. Continue to return to your breathing and release your thoughts. This is a the practice of coming home and taming the mind. Be patient with yourself, as with anything, time, consistency and focused attention here is key.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Can you see it? Forward Moving Friday 9/6/13

Can you see what it is that you want to achieve? Meaning, in your mind's eye, how clear is your picture of your end result? Taking time to imagine, sense and feel what it will be like when you reach your destination can make the difference between actually actualizing your goal and it becoming yet another dismissed wish.

When something really matters to you, don't skip the imaging step. Having a clear picture in your mind of your outcome can help you to stay focused when the going gets rough and all hope feels like it is gone.

The goal isn't to delude yourself, but rather, work as an anchoring mechanism for where to point your energy. In our day to day lives it is so easy to get distracted from our bigger endeavors that if we don't take the time to really see where we want to be we can and will get lost in the minutia.

So to keep moving FORWARD on this here Friday, take the time if you haven't already to truly paint that picture for yourself of what it will be like when you reach your destination. Take in all the sights, sounds and colors, see who is around you, smell the aromas that fill the air... detail it with all of your senses and then breathe it in. Give it a name and visit it daily for at least the next week to keep it vibrant in your mind.

If you are more of the artsy type, draw it out, make a collage or picture map of it and keep it somewhere you can look at it daily.

After all, "some things have to be believed to be seen."
~ Ralph Hodgson

Keep your dreams alive my friends... and then make them happen!


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

WE POWER Wednesday: The Power of Encouragement 9.4.13

As I watched the TED talk I posted yesterday, I was moved by  Diana's story about her father. Yes, the story in it of itself was touching, but what struck me more than anything else was the power of belief and the gift of encouragement.

Often times we forget how important it is to believe in and encourage the ones that we love. We can be quick to judge, point out fault or insist on needing to be "realistic", all thing we usually do to be "helpful," yet we are forgetting the damaging effects these kinds of interactions can have on one's confidence.

Take a minute and imagine yourself getting ready to tackle a really big task, maybe something your've been dreading or something that has just been a thorn in your side. Now watch yourself move through the motions of the task and say to yourself something encouraging, like "I can do" or "Take the next step" or "I got what it takes"... what ever words seem to give you a little forward push. Just take in the feeling. Notice what it's like to have your head as your cheerleader. Notice what it feels like in your body... and breathe it in.

Now alternatively, bring up the same task and allow your doubting mind to run the show. Hear the messages that are probably more loud, the one's like, "I don't know about this", "this is a waste of time", or "I can't do it" or what ever they may be and do the same. Notice what happens in your body. Notice what the energy is like, what feelings go along with it.

Note the subtle differences that emerge from each experience. It is these subtle differences that determine the difference between winning and losing in a race or in initiating a plan of action or staying stuck in a nonworking pattern. The coolest part about it though is that we all hold the power within us to help tip the scale in a forward direction for ourselves and others.

Our minds and our words of encouragement are our allies in having a positive impact on our sense of wellbeing and the world around us. Through an active commitment to motivate and encourage ourselves and the ones we love we help to instill a sense of confidence and belief that has the potential to make more champions like Diana.

On this WE POWER Wednesday I encourage you to use your gifts of encouragement and belief today to boost up someone you love. Tell them you believe in them, let them know you got their back and that they are capable. Do your best to communicate these messages not only with your words but your actions as well. I will do the same.

All my best to you,


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tough it out Tuesday: Diana Nyad.. Need I say more?

Well, I am sure many of you have already heard of Diana Nyad's monumental accomplishment of swimming from Cuba to Florida on her 5th attempt at the age of 64. The tenacity, drive, heart and commitment it takes to do such a thing is truly inspirational to me. Not because of the miles that she swam but because of her commitment to living life to it's fullest and crossing boarders emotionally, interpersonally and physically in the process.What an amazing soul.

For a little inspiration on this Tough it out Tuesday take a few minutes and watch her TED Talk. I promise, it's 20 minutes of your day that you won't regret.


Monday, September 2, 2013

Mindfulness Monday: Body Awareness 9/2/13

It's Labor Day! Hope you are all getting a break for the typical work week to enjoy all the things that matter to you most.

Today's Mindfulness Monday tip has to do with brining our awareness to our body sensations. Last week we brought our attention to our thoughts and today I am encouraging you to bring your focus of attention to your bodies. This type of attention, much like with our thoughts, is one of an observer's mind. We notice with a sense of detached awareness, without judgement or criticism or even an attempt to change. We simply notice.

Take a few minutes today to sit quietly. You can be really structured with it and set a timer for as little as a minute or up to 20 minutes for this exercise. If you choose not to be so structured that works too. Just simply center, close your eyes, attend to your breathing and bring your attention to the rising and falling of your chest. Notice what this physically feels like. Notice your heart beat and the texture of your breathing. Is it strained or labored? Is it calm and fluid? Just simply notice, again without judgement or desire to change. From Your breathing bring your focus to other areas of your body. Your hands... notice your hands. Are they tense or relaxed? Hot or cold? Just notice. Then move your attention to your shoulders, neck and jaw. What do you notice here? All the while, continue your breathing, in your nose and out your nose, keeping the in-breath and out-breath equal in length and once again, noticing the rising and falling of your chest. Continue this process through other parts of the body as well. Back, abdomen, hips, legs feet, face.

In this process of noticing and allowing, invite yourself to release what ever you are ready to let go of. Continue to notice your breathing, in the nose and out the nose. Letting go of old energy with the out-breath and taking in new energy with the in-breath.

At times the body will not want to let go of noticed tensions. This is ok. Tension is not always bad. Remember that the process is one of noticing and allowing not one of changing. As we notice in this way, we allow our bodies to naturally take care of themselves. When you think about a butterfly and it's transformational process remember, it is not one that is manipulated or control but one of natural unfolding. Trust. Just trust in the process.


Happy Labor Day my friends.

Friday, August 30, 2013

It's Forward Moving Friday.. "How" are you moving FORWARD today?

It's Forward Moving Friday again... what do you have planned for the weekend that will bring you one step closer to your #1 goal? 

If you're not quite sure yet, try this on for size. Maybe this weekend instead of focusing just on the "what" of your goal, focus on the "how". By this I mean the process or quality with which you accomplish your task.

As an example, as many of you know, cycling is my passion and I spend many hours and many days in the saddle. Each day has a specific task that guides me towards my specific goals. And the goals are all very concrete and measurable. The irony though, to me, is that it is the process, state of mind, and "how" of how I approach each workout that truly bring in the results. If I go out on my bike with my head in the tank, thinking about how tired I am or how hard the workout is going to be, what do you think the workout is going to be like? ... well.. umm... HARD.. and probably slow.. and probably not to fun. It is important to consider the "how" when approaching both things that we love and things that maybe we don't love so much. If we can approach all things with an open mind and a little bit of loving energy we are more likely to find success, experience joy and positively impact those around us.

So regardless if you goal is focused on your training, relationship, personal life or work notice "how" you are approaching the task at hand. If you don't like "how" you are approaching the moment, then take a moment, pause, breathe and ask yourself, "how do I want to be approaching this task?" When the answer surfaces, take heed and move into the next moment.

Hope you enjoy the process =]


Thursday, August 29, 2013

aRticulate it THURSDAY: It's all about YOU!

aRticulate it Thursdays are all about linguistics. How can we use language and our awareness of it, to get our messages heard, as well as communicate understanding to the ones we hold close?

Today's tip is to play a mindfulness game with ourselves. I know, sounds weird. Hear me out though. So the mindfulness practice is to make the word "you" our focus, just like we would with our breathing in a sitting meditation. Throughout the day, observe the use of the word "you" in our interactions with others. Make it your task to notice how the word is used and how often.

(This is what happens when we use the word "you" without ownership of your own stuff too much =] )

Often times, when the word "you" is used in interpersonal communication we are deflecting our own personal experience and pointing the finger at another. As in, "You really shouldn't do that." This can be translated to: "I don't like what you are doing, would you be willing to stop?" Notice the change in the communication? The word "you" is still used but the context is different and instead of making a demand, the dislike is owned, and then a request for change is made.

We also use the word "you" to show approval and congratulations. Which, yes, is way cool... yet for some, the "You did an amazing job!" can also mean, "Oh man, if I don't do it that way again, then I must be a real screw up!" I know, crazy, but these things happen in our minds and if we acknowledge that fact, then through mindful awareness, we can work to be sure our words send the message that we fully intend. In this case, a simple, "WOW!" could go along way. The recipient might respond, "Wow! What?"... and you could say, "I was pretty impressed with that performance!" Again, here, there is ownership for the impression instead of projection or judgement.

So for now, the task is to just be a watchful observer of how the word, "you" shows up in your life today. I find it to be a pretty fun practice myself. Hope "you" do as well. =]

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tough it out Tuesday! 8/27/13

It's Tough it out Tuesday! 

"To do anything truly worth doing, I must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in with gusto and scramble through as well as I can."

~Og Mandino

Seize the moment my friends. When we let our doubts and fears stand in our way of actualizing our dreams we are left with just that, "fear" and "doubt'. Is that what you want from your life? If we at least we jump in and try we can say that we gave it out best effort.

I will tell you personally, the races I have raced where I have put my heart and soul into them and still lost were much more meaningful and growth provoking to me than the ones where I sat in trying to protect myself and, well.. yeah... lost anyway. Actually... I do remember those times well.. but they leave a very sour taste in my mouth as that is not how I want show up in this world!

I welcome you to share your personal stories of triumph when the cards were stacked against you today.

You never know when you story may just be that spark of inspiration that someone else may need to take that leap and spring to life!

All my best,


Monday, August 26, 2013

GROWTHspring to Offer Daily Inspirational Tips on Facebook

I have decided to spice things up on my GROWTHspring Counseling and Coaching Facebook page. I will be bringing you a themed daily tip or story that I hope will give you some food for thought to carry with you throughout your days. Below is my preliminary outline of what I hope to be offering. Feedback is always welcome and if you ever have a question of a more personal nature, don’t hesitate to message me directly.

Mindfulness Mondays: Mondays I will bring you tips and ideas on how to bring mindful awareness to your training and every day living. These skills will focus on breathing, presence, emotional awareness, easing distress, accepting reality and much more.

Tough it out Tuesdays: On Tuesdays I will bring you stories and quotes about mental toughness, emotional endurance and what it takes to keep a tight mind in times of distress. Tuesdays are a great day to share your personal stories as well. Each of us has a story of how we have persevered through difficult times and when we share them, we move out of isolation and into the realm of connection. This my friends is what healing is all about.

WE POWER Wednesdays: Wednesdays will be the day when I bring you ideas on how to keep the WE alive in your relationships. I see this as being a pretty fun day.. I hope to share ways to deepen your relationships as well as maybe spice things up a bit too!  

aRticulate it Thursdays: Thursdays will be the day to kick start your communication know-how. Knowing how to speak to your listener as well as clearly express your feelings and needs are essential skills for living well.

Forward Moving Fridays: Fridays will focus on setting goals and intentions but I also hope to use this day for us to share new and innovative forward moving tips on health, wellness, fitness and exploring the world around us. Feel free to share a new trail that you discovered or an up and coming event in the valley that you may think other would be interested in attending. After all, picking our heads up and taking the next step into a new moment of discovery is what experiencing life is all about!

Be sure to LIKE GROWTHspring Counseling and Coaching on Facebook to ensure you get your daily tips and inspirations!

All my best to you.

Til next time,


Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I have been contemplating for some time now the contrast between being in the here and now and looking ahead to the next moment. Over the past few years I have worked diligently on practicing presence, being in the moment, accepting what is as it is, and allowing things to unfold before me. This practice has created considerable peace for me in many respects. Though, as of late, the word FORWARD keeps resonating in my mind.

At a race earlier this year, I caught myself being consumed by the present moment. In some respects I was pleased to have been so present, as at times in the past I have finished races and been like, “I don’t know what happened!”… almost like a moment of detachment or dissociation had occurred. This time though was different, I was there, fully there as I felt my legs begin to slow down despite my head yelling at them to, “Go! Go! Go!”  The next thing I knew, I was off the back. The pack had crested the hill and I was now chasing. At the time I felt I had given it all I had, but in retrospect I wonder,  “Did I really?” Not to be self critical, but in later examination of the course, I realized I was but a stones throw from the crest of the hill when this, what I like to call, “molasses moment” occurred. What would have happened if I had looked up?

This thought still crosses my mind today as I catch myself on my bike and in other situations in my life with my head down or consumed with the moment at hand. What would happen if I look up? I ask myself this often and when I do, I generally feel a physical shift in my body, a shifting of energy and a shifting of perspective. By lifting my head up I am giving myself the subtle reminder to take the next step FORWARD and move into the next moment.

Often times this little shift in perspective can make a volume of difference.  By picking our heads up, refocusing on our goal or target and taking the next step, we remind our bodies on a neurological level that there is more than the narrow focus of the moment at hand.

For now, personally, I have made it my practice to keep my eyes up and remember the word FORWARD both on and off the bike and, thus far, I am liking the results. So when my mind wanders to the things in life that I don’t like, the things that I would like to be different, the things I would like to change, I do my best to remember the word FORWARD, pick my head up and ask myself,  “If I don’t want this, what do I want? And what is one step I can take right now that will move me in that direction?”... then.. I DO IT!

As silly as it may seem, as one moment ends a new moment begins. This little truth has proved a priceless reminder to me and no doubt it may for you as well.

FORWARD my friends..
Until next time..

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The FIrst Day of the Rest of My Life or ... My Encounter with the Cliffs of Laguna Beach

Moving forward seems to be a reoccurring theme for me lately. I have been working on a new post on the topic but for now I will share this story from a couple years ago. I know for me, I have found myself at that half way mark many times in my life. That place where all I want to do is turn back, but going back is not really an option and at the same time, the thought of taking that next step forward is near paralyzing. aAt these times, what I hold to most is that brief moment of silence and stillness and the belief, "if not this, something better. Maybe I am deluding myself, but to date, it has worked pretty well. =] We can't go back and undo what has already happened. And although there may be safety and familiarity in what has been, the future holds endless possibilities of what is yet to be. After all, life is about growth right? And what are we if we aren't growing moving forward and unfolding into the next moment of what is to come. Remember, it's all an adventure. So why not jump in and enjoy the ride? 
June 1, 2011 at 7:43am
Soo… I think yesterday marks the first day of my new life. I had an interesting encounter with the cliffs in Laguna Beach and though subtle, the lessons from that experience keep emerging as time passes and deeper connections continue to be made.

Here is how my story unfolds… Yesterday morning I arose early, as usual, though more effortlessly than has been normal as of late. It was a calm and quite morning in Laguna Beach, CA. The winds from the previous day had blown over and the morning was clear and still. I left the boys sleeping with the intent on being back before their plans for breakfast with the girls, the highlight of the ams here at the Rivera, and I turned back one last time, as those who know me all too well are familiar with, to get my phone.. just in case.. better to have it with me.. better safe than sorry.

So with phone in hand and ipod playing Stoa so eloquently in my ears, I took off down the street. I felt so alive and at peace and then I remembered I had forgotten to take my mornings dose of Athlete Octane! I was quite disappointed by this as I have grown to enjoy the gentle cinnamon orange flavor as part of my pre-training nutrition. Since I had been noticing quite profound improvements in my overall cardiovascular performance, I was fairly certain that I had already reached optimal serum blood concentration levels for my body and I knew that taking the dose post workout would suffice, especially since I was merely going out for a one hour base run anyway. So onward I ran.

Running south on PCH, as I do most every year when visiting the beach, I took in the ocean air, enjoyed my music and merged with the colors of the landscape all around me. I felt like I was floating, slicing through time. The journey was effortless.. my pace was solid yet constant and my lungs felt expansive and ever full of oxygen (one of the subtle but significant side effects I have experienced since taking AO).

I had decided on an hour run, base to natural running pace.. with a less-than-firm plan of an out and back format. As I took in the sounds and smells of the surrounding atmosphere, I pondered the idea of running back north along the shore once I hit the turn around point. I thought to myself, “What the heck? It’d be nice to be down by the water.” But I knew that there were coves and out croppings of rocks and tide pools along the way so I was not quite sure if it was really even possible to make it all the way back to main beach from where I was. So, at that time, I tossed the idea and continued onward.

That was until I saw this curious little enclave that led down to the beach from the HWY. It had an “Alice and Wonderland” like feel to it.. all covered in vines and branches with twisty steps and large tress. (I am a total sucker for things like this.. the more magical and secret the spot looks the more curious I become and enticing it seems..) So, true to form, the decision was made and off I went. “What the heck?” I thought,  “You only live once, right? Let’s see what this path has to offer…”

And so down the stairs and on to the beach I went. At first glance, harmless. So I ran further south and then turned around to head back once I got to the first out cropping. I snapped a couple of pictures and began my journey back. I knew I had to navigate a few tide pools and rock formations but, I thought, “let’s get over this one and then I can always go up the next set of stairs on the other side.”

So I went, and I got through, and it was no big deal… mission accomplished! At that point I began to take on the mindset of “Free Running”… well, sort of. I wasn’t exactly running in a straight line but I wasn’t letting the objects in front of me hinder my forward progress either. It was liberating. I was enjoying my run… or adventure as it had become… snapping pictures, recording the ocean sounds and keeping a steady pace… that is, when I wasn’t clambering over the rocks or tip toeing through the tide pools.

After about the 4th out cropping and having navigated through a cavernous hole in the side of a cliff, I passed a baby seal and a few folks who were tending to it while they waited for the rescue team to come. Just another amazing little moment. He was precious, but looked sad… Stevie the Seal.. and no.. I did not name him… the lady that was tending to him had said he had been doing the “Stevie Wonder” and hence.. his name was born. I stopped when I came upon Stevie and chatted with the lady for a bit and then I returned to my journey.

I noticed that the next out cropping in front of me was a little bit bigger than the others, but by this time there was no doubt in my mind. I stashed my phone and clipped on my ipod then, upward I went. I was full of courage and excitement about the morning and the experience. I was feeling proud of myself because I was actually going to be back on time too! And I was excited about all the miraculous things I had seen and discovered.

Shortly after I started taking on this rock formation, I began to notice that I couldn’t really see where the “other side” was exactly, and I realizing that I was really going up and not just across. At first, again, no doubt in my mind, just curious adventure then, it hit me. I was about ¾ of the way to the top when I fully realized that ummm.. this is seeming a little more daunting than I had expected. I glanced down…it was a LONG way down.. a sharp, pointy, cavernous way down. Not good. Looking back at the path I had taken up, I questioned how I had even made it. It was quite sandy and had very few handholds (at least for this novice rock climber like me!). One attempt to descend told me, “DOWN IS NOT AN OPTION”. So, I sat there for a moment, trying not to panic as the doubtful thoughts began to race through my mind… “OMG! What have I done?!, How am I gonna get out of this one?!”...etc… The thought of having to be “rescued” was more unbearable than the thought of bodily harm and dismemberment from falling, though that was not all that appealing either. I quickly regained my composure and focused on forward movement.

About 10 feet above me was a deck. I figured if I could grab the support beams of the deck I’d be golden. Trespassing was definitely more desirable than the humiliation of having to be “rescued” or the threat of permanent injury or death. I had to get to the deck… “GO forward.. NOW.. don’t look back.. get FOCUSED.. eye on TARGET”.. so there I went. Each hand-hold solid, each move precise with laser focus.
Within minutes, mission accomplished! I had always said that safety and structure were important needs to me but this gave that concept a whole new meaning! I was never so grateful for a solid stable structure in all my life. I didn’t think twice about scaling the underside of the deck to get to the edge, to then find my way up and over the side. It all just unfolded naturally. I was very thankful that no one was up yet at the beach house. Though, had I climbed over the edge to face a rifle at my forehead, I would have at least died knowing that I had been the ONE who got me OUT of the bind on the cliff.. all by myself. But that didn’t happen.. (thank God!)! I did have to climb to the second story of the deck to find a way out, though luckily when I got there, the side gate to the outside world was in fact unlocked.

I was free! Liberated!... from the cliffs and my fears. Unstuck, so to speak. No more sitting in the in between of doubt and uncertainty. No more looking back and obsessively weighing the options. I learned that if there is a WILL, there is in fact a WAY! IF you are WILLING to BELIEVE! I also learned that sometimes, to get where you need to go, you got to think outside the box of limitations, rules and expectations and just do what you know in your heart of hearts is true.

My cruise back to the hotel was delightful. Calm and collected. A few battle wounds on my legs but a sense of okayness within my spirit.

And btw.. I was still on time for breakfast.. where my Athlete Octane was waiting for me..
and it was still cold…

No matter how big, no matter how small.. just take the next step.. and NEVER.. EVER look back..

Always an adventure… hope you enjoyed the story. It is in fact true..even the part about the Athlete Octane. I have to say that I have noticed some truly remarkable changes in my performance and training ability since I have been taking Athlete Octane. I feel better over all, I have more energy and I seem to be able to step it up a notch in places where I have consistently fallen off in the past. I am glad to be alive today to continue my training and racing. As an athlete, I have lofty goals.. with the right focus and attention, a willingness to believe in my ability and AO as part of my overall training plan, I have no doubt that I will achieve them!

Lead with your heart and the rest will follow… 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Being You!!

So this past work week  was an incredible week, as most are for me with my clients. Each session brings new insights and experiences and I can't express enough how amazing it is to me to see my clients begin to transform before my eyes. 

Over the years I have developed a nack for being attuned to the subtle shifts and nuances that come with emotion health and healing. I see things that many would not notice or even acknowledge as significant, but to me, any shift means growth.. A difference in body posture, a change in tone, an ability to more clearly articulate feelings.. The changes are subtle like I said, most times, but nevertheless they are there.

As I watched this week though, something truly miraculous unfolded.. And it was funny because it seemed to be a theme for the week as it wasn't just with one client but an energetic sense that seemed to flow from session to session.

As each session unfolded, I heard story after story of in some way being closed off, shut down or being told to be something or someone different than who they were. Some accounts were with current relationships, some were historical in nature but each client seemed to be remembering times when the world had mirrored back to them how they in some way were just not OK.

Now we all have had these experiences, they aren't foreign or unique in the general sense, the world is a harsh place and even the best intentioned parent or friend will unknowingly shut us down at some point in our lives... It's inevitable.

What was striking this week though was the light that seemed to return to the eyes of one of my clients as we reflected on the qualities that would make him a prime candidate for a summer job he was prospecting. His demeanor was monotone, serious and flat as he was telling me he saw himself and funny, light hearted, sociable and energetic. I asked him if he realized the discrepancy between what he was saying and how he was showing up, and he said 'well yes, but I was told I needed to be professional and serious when going in to inquire about a job.' To which I assured him that there was definitely a time and place to be professional and serious and yet what it looked like to me was that he was squashing his best qualities right now. When I said this, his demeanor shifted. He smiled. He became more animated. His eyes brightened. His tone changed. It was like I was watching a total transformation right before my eyes. 

To me, what I saw in those moments was an individual truly stepping back into himself. He seemed to realize that he, as he was, had value, that he could be professional and still be himself.

Most times it takes a lot longer than just a few words from a therapist to bring about such changes, but the message is a powerful one to take home. Each and everyone of us does ourself a favor when we own who we are. When we step into our own skin and show up. It's like saying, ' Hello world! I am here!' And knowing that you being here matters and has value. Most people have had so many experiences throughout their lives that have told them that they were not ok, wrong or not enough. When we believe these things about our essence, we abandon ourselves and our relationships. That quite voice the hides away in the deep dark corners of our minds that whispers these thoughts keeps us limited in accessing our full potential.

We don't all have a therapist or dear friend handy to remind us that we are enough but we do have our own awareness to help us on the quest. If you happen to hear that critic in your mind in the future, take a deep breath and ask yourself what's really true. Remind yourself that you belong here, that you have value by your own birth right, and that you matter. Then notice what happens in your body.

 Many of you will notice a shift in tension, if only momentary. Keep practicing. The moments will grow.. Especially if you do have a group of positive friends and supportive people in your life.

If not, and you notice that you are experience  considerable distress from the thoughts,  you may want to consider calling a local therapist. There are ways to move through these issues and promote optimal well being and it doesn't have to take a life time of counseling or therapy to get there. =] 

All my best to you... From me to you.. remember: YOU MATTER!!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Why the Sponges...?

Ok so, today I received my first ever request for a blog post and tho it was totally tongue in cheek and probably better suited for my Living Life on Octane blog that has yet to be created, I will honor the request and write it here.

So the request was, ' I want you to write a blog post on why you have sponges in your AO top!' ('LMAO!' Deleted) Ok so, if any of you have seen my Google+ picture, you will know what my reader is talking about. I will include it here for those of you that have not seen it.

This picture was taken at the top of Curry hill during Ironman Arizona 2012. For those of you that don't know what an Ironman is, it's a triathlon that covers 140.6 miles broken down into a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike ride and a 26.2 mile run. 

Ironman Arizona takes place in November every year here in Tempe. It's a glorious time of year and a beautiful course if you ask me. 

Anyways, back to the question.. Why do I have sponges in my AO top?.. Well some of you may be wondering, 'Why is he calling it an 'AO' top?Looks like she's wearing a sports top or bathing suit top if you ask me..'

Well, if that's what you are thinking you'd be right, it is a bathing suit top.. But the AO stands for Athlete Octane, and What is Athlete Octane?.. you might ask..  And I would say, Athlete Octane  is what got me through that 140.6 miles last year =] 

More specifically tho, Athlete Octane is a liquid endurance supplement that helps to reduce soreness, improve time to recovery and keep you going stronger, longer and harder than ever before. It's packed with antioxidants that help boost immunity and improve cellular functioning. I could go on and on about it but I won't. If you want to check it out for yourself visit the website at:

Or check out the Facebook page:

What I know about Athlete Octane personally is that it works.. It's just that simple. 

Now I still haven't gotten to the real question.. Why the sponges... Well, the simple answer for the sponges is that it's HOT in Arizona.. Even in November.. Yep.. Still hot and when the sponges are soaked in water they are cool.. And cool water is a soothing thing when you have just swam 2.4 miles and ridden your bike 112 and are now working on completing a marathon. 

But quite frankly, I have no idea why I left the sponges in my AO top that day... I kno I left them there on purpose.. I know I actually thought about taking them out.. To be totally honest tho, I don't really know what prompted me to leave them there.. A symbol of my sweat and tears? An added comfort to remind me of all my amazing friends that were out on the course to support me that day? A momento for all the miles that were finally behind me? I'm truly not sure..  it was probably more of a  superstitious  OCD tendency to not change what had already been established for fear of jinxing my race =]  Lame I kno.. But more than likely that was the case.

In any regard, with sponges in my top, and AO as my supplement.. I made it through another IRONMAN and am still around today to tell the tale. 

Thanks Athlete Octane for carrying me through and as for the sponges.. If you ever do an Ironman.. They are certainly the way to go.. Even if you don't know why you leave em attached to your top. =]

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I've been mulling over the word FORWARD in my head for some time now. Many times over the last few months I have found myself in a dilemma, difficulty or stuck spot and remembering the word FORWARD has helped me to unstick myself, find my footing and decide on my next right move. For some this may seem a no brainer. You just do it, you keep moving and you don't let your feelings or the dualities that exist within your mind slow you down. But for others I know, much like myself.. It's not quite so easy. Well, let me rephrase that... The action is just that easy but the process of getting there isn't. The fight between our head and our hearts, logic and emotion, can take it's toll and I am the first to admit that I have experienced it first hand. It is in these moments though that I value my centering time most. It is these moments that birth the most personal growth if I am willing to sit quietly and listen. 

I sit and I breathe. Focusing on my breathing helps to ground and center me. It is a meditative quite that allows for a recentering. It works like focusing on the hub of a spinning bicycle wheel. It gets at the root and though there may be chaos all around, it gives me a channel in which to center my energy.

Once I am grounded in my breathing, I ask myself 3 questions... 1) what am I feeling right now? And I wait quietly for the answer to emerge from within me.. 2) what is it that I am needing right now? And again, I wait quietly for the answer to emerge from within me.. And 3) what action can I take or do I want to take to get this need met right now?... And once more I wait quietly for the answer to emerge.

It is in this centering and self reflective time that I reconnect to my life energy and to the wisdom that lies within me. It is also in this time that I re-empower myself to take action in my life. If I sit with those questions and I come to the conclusion that I want to do nothing about the current situation that is causing me distress... so be it. But I have chosen that and in that I have taken back my power. Even the nondoing is action in this regard. 

This process helps me to  keep moving FORWARD in my life by keeping me awake to my inner process and reminding me that I ultimately am the author of my daily experiences... And so are you.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Practicing Presence

Take it in, take it all in.. Sights, sounds, smells,  colors, textures... 

As I sit here on the final night of my annual stay on the shores of our western coast, I breathe in the salt air, feel the cool breeze against my skin and allow the sounds of the crashing ocean waves to penetrate my experience. I am here, fully here to take in this moment. There is no way to replicate it. It is here and unfolding before me as each new wave unfolds upon the shore.

This moment is soothing to my soul. I feel my body relax and the tension drain with each new breathe I take. Breathe it in.. Be here now.. These are the words I say to myself to help me stay grounded and engaged with my life as it is happening before me.

Not all days will be like tonight, but no matter. By practicing presence now I am helping to train my body to take in my world regardless of the circumstance and I am creating a refuge for myself in the memory that I am creating while I am writing this. I say to myself, remember this moment.. Remember this feeling.. Breathe it in.. And my body will, and my nervous system will and it will forever be here now as a resource for me when I am in need of a calm and peaceful surrender.

We are all capable of creating our own resources by practicing a mindful presence in our everyday experiences. Take in the wonders of the world around you, connect with the feeling that it elicits in your body and breathe it in. Remind yourself to remember this feeling and you will be on your way to developing a presence that keeps you alive to the workings of the world around you and growing the network of positive associations within you to help empower you to move through difficult times as well.